Making fun of climate change: Calling all cartoonists…

Cartoon courtesy CSE India

My mentor Sir Arthur C Clarke was fond of saying that there is nothing too serious in this world that you can’t make fun of it. (He should know – he once wrote a funny story about the end of the world, the mother of all disasters!)

On this blog, I’ve written about creative efforts at being seriously funny – for example, making fun of HIV/AIDS, and poking fun at politicians through political satire on television.

I’ve also argued that, when it comes to commenting on our topsy-turvy times, no one can beat cartoonists for their economy of words. They offer us popular social philosophy that is piercing, witty and hilarious – all in an amazingly tiny space.

The British Council and the Ken Sprague Fund of UK are currently running a cartoon contest on climate change open to Sri Lankan citizens from 18 to 35 years. They offer attractive prizes for those who can be seriously funny about this global crisis. The award winning and commended entries are to be exhibited in Colombo and Kandy in March 2010.

The deadline for submitting entries is 7 December 2009. More details here.

Declaration of interest: As a long time admirer of cartoons, I have agreed to be on the national selection panel.

Author: Nalaka Gunawardene

A science writer by training, I've worked as a journalist and communication specialist across Asia for 30+ years. During this time, I have variously been a news reporter, feature writer, radio presenter, TV quizmaster, documentary film producer, foreign correspondent and journalist trainer. I continue to juggle some of these roles, while also blogging and tweeting and column writing.

One thought on “Making fun of climate change: Calling all cartoonists…”

  1. Make all the fun you want about climate change as long as action is taken in time to save us from the worst of it. We can laugh opr cry but what will happen to our children?

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