Steven Paul Jobs (1955 – 2011): The Crazy One

Apple’s “Think different” commercial, remixed in appreciation of Steve Jobs. From Ken Segall’s Observatory —

Releasing it on Gizmodo, he wrote: “I’m sure he would have hated it, but whatever. You’re dead now, Steve, you crazy round peg in the square hole, you handsome bastard, you insufferable and unrepeatable genius you, you awesome man with The Vision. Deal with it, because now the world will suck a bit more without your love for perfection, your hyperbolic obsession with magical devices, your insanely great ideas and booms and one more things.”

And here’s the original Think Different commercial, created for Apple Computers in 1997 by the Los Angeles office of advertising agency TBWA\Chiat\Day:

Read the story of Think Different ad campaign here