Can you make a one minute film for a better planet?

One minute – or 60 seconds – is a lot of time on the air. Our friends in radio and TV broadcasting know this well.

And with shrinking attention spans, many news items on TV are now being packaged for a minute, or not much longer.

Now, Friends of the Earth (together with FilmMinute) are challenging us all to come up with very short films that are one minute long — and still pack a message that benefits our planet.

Image courtesy FoE UK

Their challenge: make a film of exactly 60 seconds which explores how we look after our planet and use it like there is a tomorrow.

Here are the key rules of the game:

60 seconds – no more, no less.
Ideally broadcast quality.
Consider audience – Internet, TV, phones, etc.
Contributors must be the sole author(s).
You can submit more than one film.
No unlicenced use of copyrighted material.
No rude, unlawful or discriminatory material.
No promotion of products or services.
Some prizes are only open to UK residents.
All green one-minute films can be entered, regardless of previous screenings and awards.

Deadline is 20 August 2007. That should give us plenty of minutes to come up with some really compelling one minute films.

Image courtesy FoE

Helpful links:

Making your greenfilm

How to submit your film (via YouTube!)

Competition rules and regulations in detail

Awards and prizes
FilmMinute – the international one minute film festival: make every second count